If you’ve got your Christmas lights home and you’re not sure how they work or you’re having trouble setting your timer function, then you’ve come to the right place. Here, we have tried to answer as many of our frequently asked questions about our Christmas lights as possible.
If I Turn My Lights Off Will They Return To My Chosen Setting?
If you bought your lights from us before 2021, yes these lights offer a memory function which means that if you choose not to use the timer function and decide to turn the lights on and off manually, they will remember your chosen setting when you turn them back on.
Can I Use My Lights Indoors & Outdoors?
Yes, all of our lights are suitable for indoor and outdoor use, however, we recommend ensuring transformers are plugged into either an indoor socket or a suitably covered outdoor socket.
Can I Cut My Lights Cable Down?
No, our lights cannot be cut, if you need a shorter lit length, we suggest looking for a smaller bub count or ordering multiple smaller packs if you still require a certain bulb count.

My Lights Are Not Working, What Do I Do?
It is rare that our lights do not work so we would ask you to check a few things before reporting the issue to us:
1. Is the Transformer Connected Correctly
Ensure that the transformer is connected to the lights correctly and tightly.
2. Have You Clicked The Button?
The lights may be switched off via the transformer, try clicking the button to see whether the lights come on.
3. Is Your Timer Function Switched On?
If the timer function is on, the lights may not switch on straight away, this is due to our memory function on the lights. Try resetting the timer function and see if the lights turn on.
How Do I Untangle My Lights?
Unfortunately, if you’ve managed to get your lights tangled, there is no real answer to untangling your lights other than patience. However, there is a way to stop them from tangling in the future when you put them away. Start by making sure all of your lights are untangled, then hold the end of the lights between your thumb and your forefinger, then (with your arm bent) loop the lights around your elbow and back to your thumb and forefinger, continue this until all the lights are wrapped around your arm. Then remove these from your arm and you should be left with a neat bunch of lights. Then wrap the lead cable and plug around one half of the light circle to secure them.
When you come to unravel the lights again, they should be easy to unravel without tangling. We suggest laying them out on the floor and gently feeding your lights around your tree or onto your chosen location to prevent tangling.

How Do I Set The Timer Function?
To set the timer function, look at the transformer of your lights, there is a clear button on the transformer, double click this button and it will go green – this means that the timer is on and your lights will then stay on for 8/6 hours (depending on the lights you have purchased) and turn off. The lights will come on at the same time every day.
How Do I Turn Off The Timer Function?
Returning to the same clear button on the transformer, double click the button and the green light will go out, this means that the timer function is off, and your lights will remain on your chosen setting until you manually switch them off.
How Do I Choose My Favourite Settings?
Mains Operated Lights
Our mains-operated lights have a clear button on the transformer (this is the same button as the timer function so this may be green if your timer is already on) to change the settings on the lights you click this button: Once for the combination setting, twice for the in waves setting, 3 times for the sequential setting, 4 times for the slow glow setting, 5 times for the chasing/function setting, 6 times for the slow fade setting, 7 times for the twinkle/flash setting and 8 times for the steady-on setting.
Icicle Lights
Whilst our icicle lights are mains operated their settings are controlled slightly differently. On the lead cable of these lights, there is a white box which is called the speed control unit. There is a button on this box that controls the speed of the lights. Clicking this button once will switch your lights to the slowest speed setting, this will get faster upon every press until the 8th click which will turn your icicle lights to the steady-on setting.

If you have a question that we have not covered here, please feel free to contact our customer service team and they will offer as much advice as possible. If you feel you have a set of faulty lights, we will be happy to replace the lights. All of the information and advice given above applies to our "The Winter Workshop" range of Christmas lights only.